古巴電影學院 EICTV
EICTV,成立於1986年,為國際知名電影學府,創始人為哥倫比亞作家兼記者的Gabriel Garcia Marquez,阿根廷電影人兼詩人Fernando Birri,以及古巴電影人Julio Garcia Espinosa,是新拉丁美洲電影圈內極具盛名之學府,長期為拉丁美洲,非洲和亞洲的學生提供不輸歐美的專業學習環境,現已有上千名來自50多個國家的學生和專業人士在這所學校學習電影製作與探討深遠的文化多樣性。學生們更稱這座古巴電影學院為“世界學院”。
International Film and Television School of San Antonio de los Baños (EICTV) is considered one of the best pf is type in the world. It was founded on December 15, 1986 as a subsidiary of the Foundation of the New Latin American Cinema. Its founders, Colombian journalist, writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Argentinean poet and film maker Fernando Birri, Cuban theoretician and film maker Julio Garcia Espinosa, aimed to create a school for all three worlds, a school for people from Latin America, Africa and Asia. Since that time, thousands of students and professionals from more than 50 countries have made of this school a space for a far-reaching cultural diversity, which has named The School of All Worlds.
幻影 The Illusion
Susana Barriga Rodríguez
2008│Cuba 古巴│HDV│Color│Doucmentary│24'
After 26 years of picturing her father in her imagination, Susana travels from Cuba to England to see him for the first time in her life. Now, she tries to recall his face, but all she has are a few hazy images, secretly recorded with her camera, and the wish to regain the illusion that existed before she met him.
時分 The Minutes, the Hours
Janaina Marquez
2009│Cuba 古巴│35mm│Color│Fiction│10'
Yoli has always lived with her mother in a humble neighborhood of Havana. One day, a man invited her out and she decided to wait for him to reject, for the first time, her mother's company.
鄰居 Neighbor
Argenis Mills
2010│Cuba 古巴│35mm│Color│Fiction│11'
Is a Latin immigrant that goes to Europe searching for a better life. Due to the sounds
he makes, his upstairs neighbor threatens to call immigration police. Samuel gets obsessed with his own sounds. By trying to quiet down, his situation gets even more absurd.
演習 Maneuver
Ricardo Fontana
2010│Cuba 古巴│35mm│Color│Fiction│11'
Torres, a lonely soldier is afraid to participate in tonight's maneuver. His lieutenant takes advantage of the situation and sends him to a ride with Sergeant Cairo, the unit's young and good looking driver. Torres will soon find out that tonight is going to be worse than the so feared maneuver.
如果我們還活著If We're Still Alive
Juliana Fanjul
2010│Cuba 古巴│35mm│Color│Docmentary│25'
An inside look to the life of a group of elders that inhabit an institution of their bodies,
their voices, their rhythm, and their obsessions.
愛慾邊界White Lies
Juan Manuel Gamazo
2009│Cuba 古巴│DV│Color│Fiction│3'
Carlos is Ana's lover, his brother Miguel's wife. Miguel decides to torture Ana, but Carlos confesses his betrayal. What will the two brothers do?
天鵝Swan, Black Neck-White Neck
Marcel Beltran
2009│Cuba 古巴│DV│Color│Docmentary│13'
Taken as a mad man and excluded by his family, Sergio Abel has in his speech an unseen coherence. A country man who loves his city and tries to transmit through the swan of wishes a message of hope: The utopia of a better world.