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香港演藝學院 HKAPA


The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts was formed by Hong Kong government in 1984. It is the first and the only college available in Hong Kong that includes performing arts, theater arts, and film and television majors. HKAPA has educational policy that reflects the cultural diversity of Hong Kong, and students can practice their creativity through the world-class and well-equipped environment. The School of Film and Television was established by the Academy in September 1996. The School aims to be a professional centre of excellence and to both reflect and influence existing practice in the local film and television industries.

信心滿滿 Confidence Man
Jeffrey K. MILLER
2010│Hong Kong 香港│Film│Color│Fiction│8'32"


A successful young banker tried to deal with his unemployment. His arrogance led him to despair. Flee was the only way.

一天  A Day In A Life
郭臻KWOK Zune
2008│Hong Kong 香港│Film│Color│Fiction│17'30"


She gets up early every morning. She works hard everyday. For her, a day is like a life but she lives on.

周冠威 CHOW Kwun-wai, Kiwi
2006│Hong Kong 香港│Film│Color│Fiction│30'00"


Lok has been suffering from mental disorder for many years. Because of the misunderstanding and discrimination of others, he chooses to keep his illness in secret. Lok always wanders around in the corridor during sleepless nights and one night, out of coincidence, he meets Yan. His life becomes much more colourful after meeting her and they soon fall in love. However, he is wondering if he should tell her the truth. Then, he decides to confess. One night, he finds the opportunity.

許學文 HUI Hok-man
2006│Hong Kong 香港│DVCAM│Color│Fiction│20'35"


Ma and Sze are buddies from the same school. Rebuked by Jaa, a tough guy from another class, Sze urges Ma to revenge for him. Ma and Sze challenge Jaa and his gang for a fight after school, but are missed it due to playing mischievous tricks in the Headmaster's office. At night, Jaa walks over a overpass and finds the Headmaster he dislikes most waiting for the bus under the bridge. Jaa picks up a stone and is ready to aim it at the teacher when suddenly someone appears behind him.

阿潘The True Story of Ah Poon
詹可達TSIM Ho-tat
2010│Hong Kong 香港│Film│Color│Fiction│32'05"

阿潘一直堅信自己的原則,以魯迅的「橫眉冷對千夫指 俯首甘為孺子牛」作為座右銘。因為女兒的一篇作文,阿潘跟學校反目,一怒之下將女兒帶走。究竟阿潘做的是對,還是錯⋯⋯

Ah Poon always stands firm on his beliefs. "Proud to be the enemy of injustice; Yet humble in the face of children." from Lu Xun is his motto. One day, he finds out his daughter been treated unfairly by the school due to one of her Chinese composition. He is furious and threatens to withdraw the enrollment. Does his principle grant him the right?

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The Ngee Ann Polytechnic


Ngee Ann Polytechnic is one of Singapore's leading institutions of higher learning. Its eight academic schools offer a total of 49 full-time diploma courses. They also offer a range of part-time diploma courses. The Polytechnic offers students a holistic learning experience through the Ngee Ann Learning Model (NLM), which emphasizes balanced and broad-based education. To ensure that its courses and students are in tune with current market developments, the Polytechnic maintains close industry links and devotes expertise and resources to assist the development of local enterprises.

烏姆的生命 Life With Ummu
Tanya Lai
2009│Singapore 新加坡│DV│Color│Documentary│11'45"


"Life with Ummu" is a short documentary that peeks into the life of a severely autistic teenager, Ummu Solehah, who is unable to communicate her needs and thoughts
through speech.

一房兩人One Room Flat
Zhang Jia Hao
2008│Singapore 新加坡│DV│Color│Documentary│12'

這是一部 12分鐘的紀錄片,紀錄了兩名不同世代的房客,如何共同管理一個簡單的,幸福的生活,儘管其中有許多的爭執...

One-Room Flat is a 12-minute documentary about 80-year-old Sin Yoke Kiew and 55-year- old Angie Chan (Cham Long), two residents living in one-room flats, on how they manage to lead a simple, happy life despite having to battle the fate of living alone in a one-room flat.

艷麗四射 Bright Lights & Aspirations
Tay Aik Tiao
2009│Singapore 新加坡│DV│Color│Documentary│10'


"Bright Lights & Aspirations" is a documentary that takes a look at the Getai (stage) singing scene in Singapore through the eyes of a young Getai singer.

家庭肖像 Family Portrait
Boo Junfeng
2004│Singapore 新加坡│16mm│Color│Fiction│8'20"

男主角是一名 17歲的攝影師。不明究理的,他總是被百科全書中女性生殖器和乳房的黑白橫截圖給吸引。直到某一天,妹妹無預警的一個問題令他陷入多年前的回憶,並在其中發現了一個秘密。

Sergio is a seventeen year-old photographer who is aroused by black-and-white cross-section diagrams of the female genitalia and breast in an encyclopedia. When his little sister asks him the question out of the blue one day, he revisits a memory years ago, in which he discovers a sexual secret amongst his family members.

對話 Conversations
Tia Quah
2006│Singapore 新加坡│16mm│Color│Fiction│14'


Kang, an elderly man who stays alone in an old and worn-out one-room flat, writes to his son every day but never gets a reply. Recovering from a stroke, he is assigned a young nurse named Xin who takes care of him. One morning, when Kang receives his son's letter from Xin, his life takes a turn...

Anthony Chen Zheyi
2005│Singapore 新加坡│16mm│Color│Fiction│18'46"


G-23 is a story about emotional suppression in urban Singapore. The story revolves around 3 idiosyncratic city dwellers, a young Indian girl, an elderly man and a middle-aged lady. The lives of these characters intertwine through a ticket-tearer who works at the local Indian cinema.

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古巴電影學院 EICTV

EICTV,成立於1986年,為國際知名電影學府,創始人為哥倫比亞作家兼記者的Gabriel Garcia Marquez,阿根廷電影人兼詩人Fernando Birri,以及古巴電影人Julio Garcia Espinosa,是新拉丁美洲電影圈內極具盛名之學府,長期為拉丁美洲,非洲和亞洲的學生提供不輸歐美的專業學習環境,現已有上千名來自50多個國家的學生和專業人士在這所學校學習電影製作與探討深遠的文化多樣性。學生們更稱這座古巴電影學院為“世界學院”。

International Film and Television School of San Antonio de los Baños (EICTV) is considered one of the best pf is type in the world. It was founded on December 15, 1986 as a subsidiary of the Foundation of the New Latin American Cinema. Its founders, Colombian journalist, writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Argentinean poet and film maker Fernando Birri, Cuban theoretician and film maker Julio Garcia Espinosa, aimed to create a school for all three worlds, a school for people from Latin America, Africa and Asia. Since that time, thousands of students and professionals from more than 50 countries have made of this school a space for a far-reaching cultural diversity, which has named The School of All Worlds.

幻影 The Illusion
Susana Barriga Rodríguez
2008│Cuba 古巴│HDV│Color│Doucmentary│24'


After 26 years of picturing her father in her imagination, Susana travels from Cuba to England to see him for the first time in her life. Now, she tries to recall his face, but all she has are a few hazy images, secretly recorded with her camera, and the wish to regain the illusion that existed before she met him.

時分 The Minutes, the Hours
Janaina Marquez
2009│Cuba 古巴│35mm│Color│Fiction│10'


Yoli has always lived with her mother in a humble neighborhood of Havana. One day, a man invited her out and she decided to wait for him to reject, for the first time, her mother's company.

鄰居 Neighbor
Argenis Mills
2010│Cuba 古巴│35mm│Color│Fiction│11'


Is a Latin immigrant that goes to Europe searching for a better life. Due to the sounds
he makes, his upstairs neighbor threatens to call immigration police. Samuel gets obsessed with his own sounds. By trying to quiet down, his situation gets even more absurd.

演習 Maneuver
Ricardo Fontana
2010│Cuba 古巴│35mm│Color│Fiction│11'


Torres, a lonely soldier is afraid to participate in tonight's maneuver. His lieutenant takes advantage of the situation and sends him to a ride with Sergeant Cairo, the unit's young and good looking driver. Torres will soon find out that tonight is going to be worse than the so feared maneuver.

如果我們還活著If We're Still Alive
Juliana Fanjul
2010│Cuba 古巴│35mm│Color│Docmentary│25'


An inside look to the life of a group of elders that inhabit an institution of their bodies,
their voices, their rhythm, and their obsessions.

愛慾邊界White Lies
Juan Manuel Gamazo
2009│Cuba 古巴│DV│Color│Fiction│3'


Carlos is Ana's lover, his brother Miguel's wife. Miguel decides to torture Ana, but Carlos confesses his betrayal. What will the two brothers do?

天鵝Swan, Black Neck-White Neck
Marcel Beltran
2009│Cuba 古巴│DV│Color│Docmentary│13'


Taken as a mad man and excluded by his family, Sergio Abel has in his speech an unseen coherence. A country man who loves his city and tries to transmit through the swan of wishes a message of hope: The utopia of a better world.

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